Higher Production Effciency
Most of the projects we undertake are on unconventionaschedules, which has led to a higher level of productionmanagement by our production team and ultimately to ahigher level of production effciency. Overtime, the linkingof production departments, the advance deployment ofstaff and the reduction of errors are some of the mea-sures we take to ensure effcient production.
Higher Communication Efficiency
For each project we will build a team of 9 people: projectmanager, business director, business assistant, customerservice, production director, production manager, designer and sculptor. Each person is responsible for his orher own position, so that any questions the client mayhave regarding service, production or art can be an-swered quickly and professionally by the relevant person.
More Comprehensive Services
We do what our customers think of and also they ask for;if they don't ask for it, but if they really need it, our teamwill take the initiative to give professional advice to helpthem achieve it. At the same time, in order to help our cli-ents move forward more effciently and avoid all prob-lems, we offer a professional and free project consultancyand sculpture design service at the begining